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CI/CD Resources

Image Actions

Image Actions is a Github Action built by performance experts at Calibre that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.


Develop CI/CD pipelines locally and run them anywhere.

Step CI

Automated API Testing and Monitoring


Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers.

Lockfile Lint

Lint an npm or yarn lockfile to analyze and detect security issues

Check HTML Links

A fast checker for broken links/references in HTML files.


auto makes automating releases for your project as simple adding a label to a pull request. If you're releasing all the time you can be more confident in your releases. And your users might thank you too 😉


Made for any language, for projects big and small. Railway is the cloud that takes the complexity out of shipping software.


Vercel combines the best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance. Our platform enables frontend teams to do their best work.


Render is a unified cloud to build and run all your apps and websites with free TLS certificates, a global CDN, DDoS protection, private networks, and auto deploys from Git.


Easily Deploy Anything to AWS


Source code spell checker


Write workflows scripting the GitHub API in JavaScript

Lighthouse Check

An NPM module for automated Lighthouse audits

Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages is a JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites.

Netlify Plugin Lighthouse

Netlify Plugin to run Lighthouse on each build

Cancel Workflow Action

This is a GitHub Action that will cancel any previous runs that are not completed for a given workflow.

NPM or Yarn install with caching

GitHub Action for install npm dependencies with caching without any configuration

Netlify Hashfiles Build Plugin

Netlify build plugin to get optimal file caching with hashed file names and immutable cache headers

Lighthouse CI

Lighthouse CI is a suite of tools that make continuously running, saving, retrieving, and asserting against Lighthouse results as easy as possible.


Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀


🌉 Simple notice pages for your website, built with Cloudflare Workers


Build your own PaaS in a few minutes!

Netlify Menubar

Netlify menubar app to receive build information or trigger new builds

© 2023 Resrc, a project by Sunny Singh. Open sourced on GitHub.